Tuesday 22 October 2013

‘DOUBLE WAHALA FOR DEAD BODY AND FRIENDS OF DEAD BODY’ – Police Raid Armed Robber’s Funeral, Exchange Bullets With Armed Robbers At Funeral Wake. Corpse Fly Out Of Casket

People watching relatives putting the corpse back into the casket which fell from the car when people who were holding it fled after the arrival of the police in Mbare yesterday
People watching relatives putting the corpse back into the casket which fell from the car when people who were holding it fled after the arrival of the police in Mbare yesterday

THERE was drama yesterday at a funeral procession of one of the five suspected robbers who perished when their car collided with a bus in Harare last week when police detectives pounced and arrested nine other suspected robbers on the wanted list.

 Fellow gang members took things into their own hands, snatched Borris Mushonga’s body from a Moonlight funeral service vehicle at number 52 Rusike Road in Mbare as relatives and friends were just about to pay their last respects.

The gang, which was joined by a mob of rowdy youths, placed the unsecured coffin atop a Toyota Noah which skidded and revved as if at a drag racing show.
There was little respect for the dead and the bereaved family as the youths sought to give their compatriot a “befitting” send-off.

The deceased’s mother who had flown into the country from the UK is said to have refused to have the body of her son paraded in the township.

And as the car swerved and sent tyres squealing and screeching, the coffin fell off and flew open sending Borris’ body tumbling to the ground.

Witnesses said when the coffin fell along Mbirimi Street, body parts were strewn all over the place.
Borris’ body was disfigured in the accident and some witnesses said this explained why his body disintegrated when it flung from the top of the vehicle as the rowdy youths engaged in all sorts of acrobatics to parade their “hero.”

But the drama was shortlived as the sudden appearance of police detectives prompted a chase that led to the arrest of nine suspected robbers who were on the police most wanted list.
Police fired warning shots to halt the funeral pageantry.

There was pandemonium as the youths fled in all directions, but alert police detectives managed to ring fence their targets. The open coffin was left unattended. Witnesses said police had to comb the area for body parts which they later put back into the coffin.

National police spokesperson Superintendent Paul Nyathi confirmed the incident and said no one was shot or injured during the commotion.

He said after arresting the suspects, the detectives left the family and mourners to continue with the funeral.
Borris was later laid to rest at Granville Cemetery, commonly known as Kumbudzi. 

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