Sunday 24 May 2015

Twitter war between Yvonne Nelson and John Dumelo

Thought they were best friends forever ? well nothing last forever especially with friends.
The friendship between two best buddies in Ghana’s movie industry, Yvonne Nelson and John Dumelo seems to have hit the rocks over their divergent views on the energy crisis the nation is grappling with. A fan asked Yvonne Nelson why her best friend, Dumelo was not invited to participate in the #DumsorMustStop vigil and she responded saying, “how can I invite John Dumelo when he wants to wait till he is 90 years to see electricity. He loves to kiss a**.”
yvonne tweet 
see more tweet after the cut

In a subsequent interview with Pulse, Ms Nelson explained her tweet about her friend and revealed that a few days after, she and Dumelo dined together in her house where they laughed over the matter. “He came to my house, we laughed over it and we had a fun time. I even cooked and he ate…Two days after, I called John Dumelo and he did not pick up. I called him the next day and he did not pick up. John did not support my campaign; John hasn’t spoken to me ever since he left my house and I don’t know why.” In the interview, she playfully told him to stop being “childish.” This comment seems to have rubbed off her friend in the wrong way. In a series of tweets on Friday, Dumelo vented over the current state of their friendship. He stated categorically that he will not bad mouth a colleague and a friend on social media in order to receive public approval.
 and she replied


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