Monday 1 June 2015

Caitlyn Jenner talks About Her New Life, Her Children’s Reactions, & Hosting ‘Girl Parties’ in ‘Vanity Fair’

Now that you've met Caitlyn Jenner, she’s ready to let the world in on her ‘new’ life and what she’s been up to these past few months.

For her Vanity Fair cover story, contributing editor Buzz Bissinger spent three months with Caitlyn as she underwent her transition and was even there for her stunning cover shoot.

“That was a good day, but the last couple of days were better. . . . This shoot was about my life and who I am as a person,” said Caitlyn. “It’s not about the fanfare, it’s not about people cheering in the stadium, it’s not about going down the street and everybody giving you ‘that a boy, Bruce,’ pat on the back, O.K. This is about your life.” 

Jenner also recalled to Bissinger how she suffered a panic attack the day after undergoing 10-hour facial-feminization surgery on March 15—a procedure she believed would take 5 hours. (Bissinger notes that Jenner has not had genital surgery.)
As part of Caitlyn’s story, Bissinger spoke extensively with Jenner’s four children from her first two marriages—Burt, 36, and Cassandra, 34, with first wife Chrystie, and Brandon, 33, and Brody, 31, with second wife Linda.They’ve each been supportive, and have had their own experiences in meeting Caitlyn for the first time.
Her son Brandon revealed he was a little taken aback when he saw Caitlyn for the first time after surgery and she pulled her top up to reveal her new breasts. “Whoa, I’m still your son,” he reminded her.
As part of her transition, Jenner started hosting small gatherings at his Malibu home called “girls’ nights” with wine and food where Jenner could dress as desired be at ease the presence of women. That’s where her daughter Cassandra met Caitlyn for the first time.
“I was just nervous that I wouldn’t make her feel comfortable,” Cassandra tells Bissinger. “I was worried I wouldn’t say the right things or act the right way or seem relaxed.” But almost all of it melted away when she got there. “We talked more than we ever have. We could just be girls together.”
To read more from Caitlyn’s 22-page cover story, click here.

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