Monday 31 March 2014

Missing Malaysia Airlines flight latest update: Families being prepared to accept... No survivors

Australian PM's curtain call… 'plane lost'  


An underwater search-surveying vehicle sits on the wharf ready to be fitted to the defense ship Ocean Shield to aid in her roll in the search for missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 in Perth, Australia.

Commentary in China's state-run media is urging people to react "rationally" to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, after days of protests by passengers' relatives who say Malaysia has mishandled the incident.

Many Chinese family members of passengers have expressed extreme skepticism over accounts by the Malaysian government. They maintain Malaysian officials are not telling all they know about the plane's disappearance March 8 and have expressed frustration that they concluded it went down in the Indian Ocean without any physical evidence.
The commentary in the China Daily says "we should not let anger prevail over facts and rationality."

"No matter how distressed we are ... it is certain that flight MH370 crashed in the Indian Ocean and no one on board survived," the comments say.

All evidence points to 'lost'
All evidence points to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 being lost in the remote Indian Ocean, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Monday, backing his Malaysian counterpart's view that the plane crashed.
The flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing  vanished on March 8 carrying 239 passengers and crew, but more than three weeks later no wreckage has been found.
Many relatives of those on board have been incensed at the announcement on March 24 by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak that -- based on detailed analysis of satellite data -- the plane could be presumed lost at sea.
But Abbott said he agreed with Najib's conclusions.
"The accumulation of evidence is that the aircraft has been lost and it has been lost somewhere in the south of the Indian Ocean," he told reporters at the Perth military base coordinating the search.
"That's the absolutely overwhelming wave of evidence and I think that Prime Minister Najib Razak was perfectly entitled to come to that conclusion, and I think once that conclusion had been arrived at, it was his duty to make that conclusion public."
Australia is coordinating the international hunt for the missing Boeing 777, which involves about 100 personnel searching from onboard surveillance aircraft and 1,000 sailors in ships in or near the search zone.

"This is an extraordinarly difficult exercise. We are searching a vast area of ocean and we are working on quite limited information," Abbott said.
"Nevertheless, the best brains in the world are applying themselves to this task, all of the technological mastery that we have is being applied and brought to bear here. If this mystery is solvable, we will solve it. But I don't want to underestimate just how difficult it is."

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